
deeper awareness

  • Grow deeper awareness of your thoughts and behavioural patterns

  • Develop Clarity & Focus on your life, career and relationship goals

  • Make Aligned Choices

trauma release

  • Release years of stored trauma, emotions or generational traumas

  • Feel lighter, less stressed, and more energized

  • Change limiting paradigms and childhood conditioning

Bliss States

  • Experience Deep States of Oneness & Wholeness

  • Develop a deeper connection with the universe for guidance in life

  • Develop deeper connection to mystical experiences


  • Feel confident to speak your truth

  • Improve communication and public-speaking skills

  • Release stagnant energies from your vocal center


  • Develop trust within you and around you

  • Improve Confidence to attract and build the life you desire

  • Increase Self- confidence and self-esteem

Faster Manifestation

  • Manifest faster as your pineal gland activates

  • Attract abundance and the life you desire

  • Manifest better opportunities in your life

Heart & Mind connection

  • Open your heart center and make choices from your heart

  • Increase compassion for yourself and with the people around you

  • Deepen the connection between your partner or family

what is Light BODY & Kundalini activation?

Light Body Activation is the awakening of your body of light through kundalini initiation or a transmission of pure life force energy. This life force energy that is often known as qi, or prana exists within the cosmos and is deeply rooted within us. As the kundalini energy rises it leads to a full body of light activation.

This practice activates two nervous systems- the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system to access superconscious state. The co-activation awakens and expands your light body allowing you to uncover a deeper part of your self.

What is Light Language Activation?

A deeper activation than kundalini initiation, Light language is a transmission of pure love. It is not linear as human languages. It is a multidimensional communication form with many layers of information that is transmitted through loving intent and heart connection. Light language can be written, spoken, sung or signed on air as it moves through voice, hands and the body. 

Light language transpires a release of old emotions and a shift in emotions as one interacts with the vibrational frequency of love. The consciousness can utilize the quantum information of light language for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing. Each time you interact with it your energy field responds to it differently depending on your current needs.

Initially light language activation can bring deep mental, physical or spiritual healing to you and with time you own light language may start to awaken giving you the ability to create changes in your environment or share your light language with your community consciously or unconsciously and thus bringing incredible positive changes to the people around you. 

“It has been 17 years where a global experience of energy manifested in its many forms, shapes and sizes. Over the years, this work has served as a healing modality, a schooling process, a life-changing experience, a medical tool, a research program, a community platform, a permaculture design, a philosophical inquiry and a way of entering critical theory from cross-conceptual study” - P. Villaraza

A path of surrender

This practice is very different from other energy modalities such as breathwork and QiGong that use will-power to generate energy within the body. This is a surrender based practice that helps you activate two nervous systems that regulate rest and flight/ flight at the same time. When you activate both nervous systems you allow the body to regulate by itself thereby allowing deep healing.

the science

Although an ancient wisdom, Life force energy activation is being studied by many researchers and scientists. Latest research states it as bio-field practice. You may find more information in this source. You can also study the science of life force energy through other researchers and neuroscientists work such as Dr Joe Dispenza.

Figure : BRAIN Waves Study during an activation of two nervous systems.

“The pictures show the size of the energy centres in February and now (in May), with a clear increase in energy and life force.”

“At the beginning of the year, I was in fear, in lack, and very pessimistic about the future. See picture on the left.

As we have been working together, I started healing old trauma, gaining more energy and a certain lust for life. Although each session is different, they are always very visual, mystical, and almost magical. I have started being more mindful to my internal states and able to better manage doubtful thoughts. As I started showing up in life with more energy and love, relationships improved, and joy and laughter entered my life. I am filled with energy, love and hope for the future.

The pictures show the size of the energy centres in February and now (in May), with a clear increase in energy and life force.  

Thank you,” — AlexC


Radia is an Accredited Light Body Activation & Light Language Facilitator. Her journey to the realm of energy & spirituality began 13 years ago. She recently facilitated Activations in Mexico, Costa Rica & Canada.

Radia has an in depth understanding of neuroscience & quantum physics and its connection to energy and is trained by Pi Villaraza’s extensive teachings on energy, neuro-somatics, and neurochemistry. Over the years she has trained with 8 other trainers, coaches and mentors.

Helped over 300+ clients in Toronto. Facilitated 95+ Activations in Toronto, Tulum & Costa Rica. 13+ years of spiritual journey.

“Radia has this soft but powerful touch that connects you with your own energy so fast in ways I couldn’t explain. I felt love, acceptance, joy and all these indescribable sensations in my body. It was pure magic. ” - Carla

Uncover your truest potential

There is only one truth, and that truth is energy. We're all matters from energy.

When you understand this everything in your life changes.