

70 min kundalini & light language Activation/transmission of raw life force energy


Integration Tips + Personalized Coaching


To book a private session, Send a message on WhatsApp +14379934553

Available in Tulum or Toronto

Kundalini Activation also known as a bio-field practice is a transmission of pure life force energy. The transmission does three important things:

  1. Expands your life force energy at the base of your spine

  2. Somatic Releases from years of stored trauma in your body

  3. Consciousness Expansion sending information into your field to raise your state of being

This life force energy governs all things, it exists in the cosmos and it fuels all of life, the universe, plants, humans and every living matter. The transmission allows us to purge energies that no longer serve us and embody a new state of being.

This session helps you to connect with your energetic body that can help you expand consciousness, grow deeper awareness of your thoughts and behaviours, gain perceptions and make choices that align to your truest potential.

This is a deeper experience where your light language may be activated.

WHAT is Kundalini Activation?

Kundalini Activation Process is a path of Surrender & a transmission of pure life force energy. As your dormant energy is being activated the energy moves from the top of the crown to the bottom of your root and vice versa eventually moving in both the directions. It awakens your energy body and allows you to uncover a deeper part of your self that feels fulfilling. In addition to awakening the kundalini at the base of your spine your light language may get activated.

What is Light Language Activation?

Light Language is the language of the light that speaks to your consciousness. They are codes that your consciousness understands and responds to. When your body starts moving in certain ways, or you start to have sensory or astral experiences thats your consciousness that is responding to the light energy codes. Light Language channeled to activate the kundalini energy within you is a very intense yet beautiful experience. Many people experience their own light language being awakened through these sessions.

When your light language starts to get activated you may experience:

  • Hand movement

  • Vocal Release

  • Humming, Singing

  • Speaking words

What does it mean to have an awakened light language?

These are languages of the light that heal, transform, release old patterns of behaviours and beliefs that no longer serve us.

Dr Joe Dispenza, a neuroscience researcher says, "Our life begins to change when we change our energy, and we begin to take our power back.” “When you change your energy, you change your life.”

Change your energy through an activation of your kundalini energy that awakens your dormant power within you. As a facilitator I will be holding space for you. During the transmission of raw life force energy your own kundalini will gradually awaken - allowing the intelligent energy within you bring your systems back into coherence. As you feel the energy move into your body, that's your systems recalibrating back into order- allowing opportunity for transformation.

Benefits of the life force energy transmission-

Healing- Somatic releases do happen in my sessions quite often. Although it is not a medical procedure, my students have reported years of deep healing taking place in a few classes.

Workplace changes- Many of my students have experienced change in job environments and manifested better opportunities.

Alignment- Getting clarity on your true purpose and making better and bolder decisions.

Courage- Cannot stress the boldness that you feel as this energy guides you to the right direction. Enhances intuition and boosts self-confidence, contributing to better decision-making and a sense of bliss.

Consciousness Expansion & Awareness- At the heart of this work is this. Being aware- deeply aware- of your thoughts, actions and behaviours, making conscious choices and no longer blinded to the matrix.

Manifestation- This energy is quite potent so be careful what you are manifesting through your emotions. Manifesting with kundalini energy is one of the most unique experiences you will experience. I will go deep on this as you build momentum and do more classes.*

Neurological Transformation: It induces rewiring in the brain and central nervous system, expanding consciousness and deepening awareness.

Perceptual Shifts: The rewiring leads to a transformed perception of reality, fostering life-changing experiences.

Emotional Release: It promotes the release of emotional blockages, reducing stress and anxiety.

Limiting Belief Release: Enables individuals to release limiting beliefs, break old patterns, and build resilience.

Holistic Growth: Fosters compassion, empathy, mental clarity, increased creativity, and spiritual connectivity.

Shift in relationship dynamics- Either you will disconnect with a someone that is not a match for you or your connection between your loved ones grow stronger.

Empowerment and Fulfillment: Individuals feel empowered, fulfilled, and aligned, gaining a profound sense of direction and purpose in life.

The more you do sessions the more life force energy you receive that allows you to expand further and go deeper to uncovering your highest potential.

THE SCIENCE | Also known as Bio-field therapy

Although an ancient wisdom, Kundalini Activation or the life force energy activation is being studied by many researchers and scientists. Latest research states this energy work as bio-field therapy. You may find more information in this source. You can also study the science of life force energy through other researchers and neuroscientists work such as Dr Joe Dispenza.

Preparation tips:

Avoid alcohol, drugs, on the day of the class. Juice or eat fruits 1-2 hours before the class. You may do water fasting. Avoid all other food. Meditate or do simple breathwork before the class.

Integration tips email will be sent after the class.

Growth is the only constant. Change is inevitable. If you are not growing, you are not experiencing what is possible with something as simple as an energetic shift.

Please read the prerequisite information here***

About your facilitator, Radia:

Helped over 200+ students in Toronto. Hosted 65+ classes in Toronto, Costa Rica, Barbados and Tulum. 13+ years of spiritual journey with an in-depth understanding of Dr. Joe Dispenza's work on neuroscience and quantum physics. Certified Kundalini Activation Facilitator.

Radia facilitates life force energy transmission/ kundalini activation sessions and light language transmission. You may experience your own light language being activated through the energy transmissions.

What you may experience in the session:

Physical- You might have a very physical experience. Your body may move in certain ways.

Emotional- You might want to laugh, cry, scream, and release other emotions

Visual-You might see images or go through an astro journey

Bliss States- You might experience high bliss states

Sensations- You might feel different sensation in your body

Mystical Experiences- You might feel like you have entered another realm or experience something very mystical.

Who can join?

This session is open to anyone from the age 18 and above.

Who cannot join?

Pregnant woman in their third trimester and anyone with acute mental health issues. Anyone below 18 years of age.

Expectations in the session:

During a session, you'll simply lie back on a yoga mat. Music will be playing to bring your brain waves to coherence. I will be touching or pointing to your energy centers also known as chakras or meridians to activate your kundalini.


It's time to integrate which means allowing this energy to move through you.

Integration Tips:

Spend time in nature or take a warm hot bath with mineral salts.

Meditate or journal.

Spend time with positive company

Stay away from alcohol, drugs for the next 3 days.

Reduce your caffeine in take if possible to allow the high frequency energy to move through you.

Adopt a plant based diet if you feel called to since it allows the energy to move through you faster.


Follow me on Instagram or ask me your question by emailing me


"Receiving this energy in that particular day was something truly amazing. Radia has this soft but powerful touch that connect you with your own energy so fast in ways I couldn’t explain. I felt love, acceptance, joy and all these indescribable sensations in my body. It was pure magic. " - Carla

"My experience with Radia was amazing. The first time I did a session with someone else I didn’t feel anything. In this second time that I tried was a completely different story." -Kike

"It was my very first session and I couldn’t be happier to had it done with Radia. It was totally meant to be, SO beautiful and full of emotions. I really felt the energy moving through me and I felt clarity and a sense of purpose over my past, present and future. They all came together, and my whole life made sense. So profound. There is something very special about Radia’s energy and I can’t wait to have another session with her.” - Adriana

Watch my session in Tulum

To book a private session, Message me on WhatsApp +14379934553